29 August 2013
West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin has returned to Westminster to participate in the debate on the use of chemical weapons in Syria, probably not for the first time. Harriett commented: “The news coming out of Syria is clearly troubling but this is not the first time there have been allegation of the use of chemical weapons. “I hope that the Prime Minister will be able to inform the House of Commons about the latest intelligence and where we stand regarding international law. “I think that it is important that the UN must take the lead both in assessing this development and securing an appropriate response. “The Prime Minister had already agreed that Parliament will be consulted before any direct action is taken against Syria so I am sure that this issue will be debated in full on Thursday. “What makes the legal position complicated is the fact that Syria has never signed the convention against chemical weapons. Any action taken needs to be supported by international law.” Speaking after the vote, Harriett added: “In my opinion, the case for military action has not yet been made and the motion which I voted for last night required that there would still need to be a further vote before the UK could act militarily. “I will continue to scrutinise this process and will press the case for all diplomatic means to be used to allow the United Nations to prevent further humanitarian disaster and further use of banned chemical weapons in Syria.”