7 July 2014
Harriett Baldwin MP was today celebrating after helping to secure a £13m cash injection to help the county’s long-term economic growth. The MP lobbied Government ministers in support of the bid put together by the Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership and includes money for local infrastructure enhancements and funds to help the expansion of Malvern Hills Science Park. The money is part of a £2billion pot that was announced today to encourage economic growth across the UK. Harriett commented: “This is fantastic news and is a great reward for the hard work put in by the Local Enterprise Partnership to secure some important funding to support our county’s long-term economic plan. “I was pleased to be able to help the team in their bid process and I think that this investment will be a huge boost for local business. “The Government has given a clear thumbs-up to the business-led approach reflected in the bid and has indicated that more funds will be made available in the coming years. “I am particularly pleased to see money committed to the growth of Malvern Hills Science Park which will allow it to offer more space for start-ups and growing small business. “Infrastructure projects like the much-needed Worcester Parkway project and road improvements will also get funding support and I am sure local people will be toasting this success across the county today.” | Worcestershire Growth Deal