Onshore Wind Farms

Thank you for contacting me about onshore wind farms.

I appreciate that there are a range of views on onshore wind. This is clear to me whenever I visit local primary schools and hear their suggestion of wind turbines on Bredon Hill and across the Malverns. I don't support such an enthusiastic approach. Instead, I firmly believe that our locally-elected councillors, who know their local areas best, are best placed to make decisions on onshore wind sites. Onshore wind is one of the most cost-effective electricity generating technologies and already accounts for approximately a quarter of installed renewable capacity in the UK. However any planning development must take into account the protected status of the land and other conditions. If there are impacts for local communities, these will be taken into account when planning permission is decided.

The Government has been clear that strong environmental protections will remain in place, with valued landscapes such as National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Green Belt protected, meaning that the Malvern Hills, Bredon Hill and the Cotswolds will have protected status.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.